
Clients of the SV Büro.

Our target groups at a glance.

Who uses the versatile services of the SV Büro? On this page we have compiled an overview of our most important clients. This makes it clear that with our services we can really guarantee all construction clients additional benefits through our appraisal work.

The SV Büro Clients:

  • Buyers – e.g. of condominiums or houses
  • Tenants – for the valuation of customary and location-dependent rents
  • Private builders – in the cost estimation for renovation and new construction or ongoing cost controlling
  • Construction companies – to monitor cost structures and development
  • Commercial interested parties – for the valuation of existing commercial properties and new real estate projects
  • Institutions – Appraisal activities for the valuation of existing and new locations
  • Municipalities – Valuation of sites, properties and public institutions

Of course, every property and every plot is unique – so get in touch with us, so that we can work out your personal advantages!